This technology comprises a synthesis of multiple new advances in the field of dentistry. There are numerous advantages to this system, mainly involving the material used for the dental restoration. CEREC uses ceramic, or a biocompatible porcelain, which is the material closest to the durability and esthetics of enamel. It is inert and has zero toxicity; with a smooth and hard surface, it prevents the attachment of bacteria and decreases the risk of decay. A lab-fabricated block of porcelain is machined to produce a crown through computer-programmed coding. This method provides greater longevity and superior restorative properties in comparison to conventional restorations, like composite or amalgam. CEREC is used for large and small restorations, single-unit and ¾ crowns. All of this is done IN A SINGLE VISIT. As a result, no temporary crown is needed, less adjustments and complications, less anesthesia, and no traditional impression material used, as well as no laboratory manufacturing delays. This technique represents a successful, quick, durable, and economical treatment option